Foodbuzz Featured Publisher


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Spoiled Saturday

Since the inception of this blog the people in my life have been spoiling me ROTTEN with food/cooking related gifts.

I'm not complaining.  On Thursday, I received many lovely gifts from family and friends, and more importantly lots of special, fun, and sometimes weird birthday wishes!

I received one gift from my lovely husband and father-in-law that I have been selfishly coveting for a LONG time: a Le Creuset french oven.

Behold--in all its glory.

Can you say "puuuuurrrrrdddy...."?

Friday I was itching all day to try it out, so late Friday night Matthew and I decided to prep this amazing bread recipe, specifically intended for the Le Creuset french oven. The recipe is beautiful worded by Mark Bittman, so I won't try and replicate it here.  But I did photograph this bread's journey.

Now homemade bread is great warm, but made even better when you smear something delicious on top. So I decided to do some homemade almond butter too.  It's so easy a child could make it, but probably not, with the sharp blade and all.

Almond Butter

2 cups unsalted, roasted almonds
1/2 tbsp honey
1 tsp cinnamon

Simply process the almonds into submission in a food processor, until creamy.  About 15 minutes.

This delectable creation went straight to the warm bread which went straight into my mouth.

It was also fabulous in my oatmeal this morning.

Thanks to all the people in my life who spoiled me on my birthday or any other day!


  1. Hannah, love reading this and seeing your birthday gift. I was actually shopping this week for my first French oven and was thinking about this same color! After seeing yours, I really want it now! Is it the bigger size? I made my first beef bourgine (sp?) and could really have used it!

  2. It is, it's the 5 1/2 quart size. It looks a little ridiculous on our tiny stovetop, but I love it!
