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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Multi-Grain Monday

We in The World's Smallest Kitchen have been toying with the idea of actually going vegetarian.  Instead of not eating meat for 7 days and then having a boatload of chorizo, which is decidedly not vegetarian.

In coming up with a "meatless menu"  (I love alliteration) for the week, I need not have looked further than Martha, who directed me to bulgur wheat, a substance quite unfamiliar to me.

Why not give it a shot?  We're never about easy here, remember?

Bulgur Wheat with Spinach, Roasted Red Peppers, and Chickpeas

1 cup bulgur
1 jar roasted red peppers, I suppose you could roast them yourself
15 oz chickpeas, roasted (instructions to follow)
2 cups baby spinach
2 tbsp olive oil
1/4 cup feta cheese

This, my friends, is bulgur.

Bulgur, in case you were curious, does not cook.  You heat a pot of water to boiling, and then remove from the heat and add the bulgur.  Let it soak for 30 minutes.

In the meantime...roast yourself some chickpeas.  Put the chick peas on a greased baking sheet.  Bake at 375 for about 30 minutes.  Shake the pan every 10 minutes.

Once my sister Martha wrote a song about chickpeas.

"Chickpeas and hummus are the same, are the same

You may think that they're different but you're wrong!

Oh, chickpeas and hummus, are made of the same darn things,

Oh, chickpeas and hummus are the same!"

Ask her to sing it for you.

Sprinkle the chickpeas with selected spices.

Drain the bulgur in a mesh strainer and press out the water.

Toss with remaining ingredients.  Be sure to include the juices from the peppers.

If you're cooking "audience"  is opposed to slimy things, perhaps roast your own peppers.  My audience complained they were slimy.  He has a thing about texture.

*UPDATE*-- This meal is ten times better cold.  Like pizza, or Chinese food.

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