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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Finders, Takers Tuesday

It is my firm belief that all recipes are stolen.

Or at least the inspiration for a recipe comes from another recipe, or food you have tried.

Unless you cook with a lot of foams and things like on "Top Chef".

Or if you invented an olive oil lollipop.

I had planned on cooking something with tofu tonight, but was completely inspired by this recipe.  Which was in fact inspired by another recipe.  I know you are disappointed at the lack of tofu in your Tuesday blog-fix.

Get over it.

As with all things I played with the spices, omitted things I didn't like, and I added what I do like!

Sweet Potato Frittata

1 sweet potato, peeled, cubed, and boiled (or steamed)
1 cup baby spinach
2 cloves garlic, minced
4 egg whites
2 eggs
2 tbsp water
1 tsp salt
1 tsp basil
1 tsp thyme
1/4 cup shredded cheese

While the sweet potato was boiling, I whisked the eggs and water and spices together.  It always takes me a few screw-ups to get the egg white out.  I'm no pro.

I greased my cast iron skillet (have I mentioned I love that thing), and sautéed the garlic and spinach for about a minute, and then threw in the potato for about another minute.

I poured in the egg mixture and made sure it was all distributed evenly.

I (and by I mean Matthew, that puppy is heavy) lifted the pan into a 400 degree oven where it sat for about 8 minutes.

The cheese went on top and into the broiler it went for another minute or so.

I'm not one to toot my own horn (well maybe I am), especially because this recipe is "stolen".  But...yum.

I done good.

Question of the day:  What's your philosophy on breakfast for dinner, or "brinner"?

Yay, nay, or all the stinkin' time?

1 comment:

  1. We have "brinner" once a week it and tastes better than. This looks delicious!.."brinner" is now a new word = in my vocabulary. lol
