Foodbuzz Featured Publisher


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Soupy Sunday

After last night's laborious, albeit delicious, journey into Martha-land, we here in the World's Smallest Kitchen were ready for a cozy, simple meal.   After church and then a glorious meal at my grandparent's house, we decided on soup and grilled cheese.

I could go on and on about how cozy and fall-y soup and grilled cheese, and how wonderful it makes me feel.  But I won't.  That's what facebook is for.

So, as it turns out my "cozy and simple" meal was not so "cozy and simple".  Making soup from scratch in a tiny kitchen is hard stuff folks.  But, here it is.

Roasted Red Pepper Soup

4 large red bell peppers
2 cloves garlic, pressed through a garlic press
1 carrot, peeled and chopped
1 potato, peeled and chopped
1/4 cup parsley, chopped
1 tsp rosemary
1 tsp olive oil
3 cups chicken stock
1/4 cup dry white wine
2 tbsp sour cream
1/4 cup parmesan cheese, grated

First came the roasting of the peppers, which I did over the open flame on our stovetop.  But, why Hannah, would you not just put them in the broiler???  Lest you forget, we have The World's Smallest Kitchen, and the broiler pan is neither easily accessible, or large enough to fit 4 peppers.

So, the stovetop it was.  But, I sure looked cute doing it.

But this got boring, and my hand hurt, so Matthew finished up the job (again with the theme).

I placed the peppers in a bowl and covered them for about 10 minutes.  In the meantime I threw the chopped carrots, parsley, rosemary, and garlic in a pot with the olive oil and sautéed them for about 5 minutes.  I then removed the skin from the peppers and chopped them up, until my hands were a nice orange-y color.

The peppers went into the pot along with everything else and I added chicken stock and some white wine.  I brought this to a simmer and then covered it and cooked it on low heat for about 30 minutes, stirring it while watching the movie (film as my husband would say) De-Lovely.

Then arose a major dilemma.  All the roasted red pepper soup recipes I consulted now insisted I get out my hand blender and blend the soup with the sour cream in the pot.  Oh sure, I'll just get my hand blender and...wait...I don't have/have room for a hand blender.

Enter...duh duh DUH...the MAGIC BULLET.  Yes, we own one.  Yes, you may laugh.  No, you may not judge.

I had to split up the sour cream, and then blend the soup in 4 batches.  It was a little annoying yes, but also entertaining.  I poured the finished soup back in the pot, added the parmesan cheese, seasoned it a bit, and 2 hours later I was done!  I think Martha Stewart should make more soups, it's hard.  Either that or live in my kitchen.  That would be hard too.  I won't bore/insult you with a "recipe" for grilled cheese since they teach you to make that in college, but here's a picture of the soup.  Naturally, we ate it with a honey crisp apple.  If you haven't had one yet, go.  Now.

I leave you with a small letter.

Dear Garlic,

I know we've always had a hate/hate relationship.  While I hate to touch you, and the raw smell of you makes me gag, I am beginning to appreciate the sophistication you bring to my food.  But, things are still a little iffy.  I did say beginning to appreciate.


Your lukewarm friend,



  1. Steve and I were just talking TODAY about how we wanted to make homemade roasted red pepper soup. Now we have a recipe-thanks! See you tomorrow.

  2. Never knock the small Magic Bullet ...I love mine and use it all the time. Happy to hear you have one also...! :)
